Dr. Lewis–God PROTECTS YOU through the Master

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DR. LEWIS~~”Think of it. Think of it. No matter what you do, if you have that full surrender to God, He will watch you through the channel He has sent for you until finally you are taken home into His Great Light and Omniscience.

I have proofs…of these things…In the beginning when I met the Master, and I had wonderful enthusiasm, and he showed me those wonderful things, by the Grace of God, it wasn’t long before the devil began to get busy and organized evil; began to try to disrupt that wonderful relationship between us.

And one morning in my office, not long after I met the Master, I think six months. This man came in injecting thoughts, and saying certain things, which unsettled me, naturally, because I was young. And what happened? God was watching through the Master. The Master was going to Boston on a streetcar. Imagine! And he was five or six miles away from my office. He didn’t know the directions then. He got out of the streetcar, and he starting walking, through intuition, and I heard heavy steps coming up the office stairs into my office. He came out into the laboratory where I was working, took me by the shoulders, and turned me around, and looked at me. He said, “Now Doctor, do you love me as much as ever?” Well, I didn’t understand for a moment. I said, “Why?” He says, “What did he say?” And he named everything he said, the accusations he made, everything…Why did he do it? He showed me, told me why, named the very words he used. I said, “I bow to you.” I knew, I knew that God was protecting me and I knew the Master was the real channel. If there’d been any doubt before, it was taken away._

excerpt from Dr. M.W. Lewis talk excerpt from, “Who may become a Disciple?” San Diego, 11-13-55

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See also~~

PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA ~ Talks and Stories by and about the Guru

DR. LEWIS Articles