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Bro. Bimalananda, October 2002, Krishna Temple, Hidden Valley

A DEVOTEE: In the early 2000’s there was a huge fire in the San Diego area that threatened Hidden Valley. Bro. Bimalananda was the senior monk in charge there for many years. I had visited Hidden Valley in 2002 and, as I remember, it was sometime not too long after that, I believe. Some of us devotees talked about the fire online while it was going on. Hidden Valley was directly in its path.

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There was a question of Hidden Valley needing to be evacuated.

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All there was to fight the flames, apart from firefighters, was a few shovels and water hoses on the Hidden Valley property.

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But Bro. Bimalananda said he had it from Divine Mother that Hidden Valley would be saved, so they stayed.

Bro. Bimalananda and some of the devotees started chanting OM.

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caption on the news clipping above:
Smoke billowed on the horizon Monday as devotees of the Self-Realization Fellowship monastery and retreat center in Hidden Valley prayed for safety. The center, which was spared, has been feeding and housing neighbors as an unofficial way station during the fires. (Charlie Neuman-Union Tribune)

before and after photos:
A friend of mine had this photo he took from a visit to Hidden Valley. The tree line marks the Hidden Valley boundary line.

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As I remember, someone said that when the fire reached the boundary line the fire started going back up the hill.

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After the fire – all is black up to the edge of Hidden Valley.

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I seem to remember seeing, either on the tv news or in the newspaper, a black and white photo of a large area of burned land with HV in it, showing everything burned as black with only the HV 100 acres as white and unburned.

[Yogananda Site: The devotee sharings in this article were saved from an old devotee forum which no longer exists.)


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LAY DEVOTEES STORIES of Gurus and Monastics


SRI YUKTESWAR: AHMISA / NONVIOLENCE; When to Kill or Not Kill ~ Yogananda, AY

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It was the gentle hour of dusk. My guru was matchlessly interpreting the ancient texts. At his feet, I was in perfect peace. A rude mosquito entered the idyl and competed for my attention. As it dug a poisonous “hypodermic needle” into my thigh, I automatically raised an avenging hand. Reprieve from impending execution! An opportune memory had come to me of Patanjali’s aphorism on ahimsa (harmlessness). [8]

[8] “In the presence of a man perfected in ahimsa (nonviolence), enmity [in any creature] does not arise.” — Yoga Sutras II:35.

“Why didn’t you finish the job?”
“Master! Do you advocate taking life?”
“No, but in your mind you had already struck the deathblow.”
“I don’t understand.”
“By ahimsa Patanjali meant removal of the desire to kill.” Sri Yukteswar had found my mental processes an open book. “This world is inconveniently arranged for a literal practice of ahimsa. Man may be compelled to exterminate harmful creatures. He is not under a similar compulsion to feel anger or animosity. All forms of life have an equal right to the air of maya. The saint who uncovers the secret of creation will be in harmony with Nature’s countless bewildering expressions. All men may understand this truth by overcoming the passion for destruction.”

“Guruji, should one offer himself a sacrifice rather than kill a wild beast?”
“No, man’s body is precious. It has the highest evolutionary value because of unique brain and spinal centers. These enable the advanced devotee fully to grasp and express the loftiest aspects of divinity. No lower form is so equipped. It is true that a man incurs the debt of a minor sin if he is forced to kill an animal or any other living thing. But the holy shastras teach that wanton loss of a human body is a serious transgression against the karmic law.”
I sighed in relief; scriptural reinforcement of one’s natural instincts is not always forthcoming.

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Sri Yukteswar and the Cobra

Master, so far as I know, was never at close quarters with a leopard or a tiger. But a deadly cobra once confronted him, only to be conquered by his love. The encounter took place in Puri, where my guru had a seaside hermitage. Prafulla, a young disciple of Sri Yukteswar’s later years, was with Master on this occasion.
“We were seated outdoors near the ashram,” Prafulla told me. “A cobra appeared nearby, a four-foot length of sheer terror. Its hood was angrily expanded as it raced toward us. Master gave a welcoming chuckle, as though to a child. I was filled with consternation to see Sri Yukteswarji engage in a rhythmical clapping of hands.[9] He was entertaining the dread visitor! I remained completely quiet, inwardly ejaculating fervent prayers. The serpent, very close to Master, was now motionless, seemingly magnetized by his caressing attitude. The frightful hood gradually contracted; the snake slithered between Sri Yukteswarji’s feet and disappeared into the bushes.
“Why Master would move his hands and why the cobra would not strike them were inexplicable to me then,” Prafulla concluded. “I have since come to realize that our divine guru is beyond fear of hurt from any creature.”

[9] The cobra swiftly strikes at any moving object within its range. In most cases, complete immobility is one’s sole hope of safety. The cobra is much feared in India, where it causes annually about five thousand deaths.


CHAPTER 12 Years in My Master’s Hermitage
Paramahansa Yogananda. Autobiography of a Yogi (pp. 174-175). Self-Realization Fellowship. Kindle ebook Edition.

See also~

AHIMSA articles

“Turn the Other Cheek; Applying the principle of nonviolence (ahimsa)” ~ Brother Vishwananda  

AHIMSA/Nonviolence and Righteous Use of Spiritual and Physical Force ~ Paramahansa Yogananda


Forcefully Opposing the Severity of the Wrongdoer ~ Swami Ram Tirtha

Applying the Principle of Nonviolence (Ahimsa) ~ Yogananda and Jesus


THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL FAMILY and CONVOCATION–Bro. Bhumananda and Paramahansaji

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Bro. Chidananda, President SRF/YSS


Online and In Person July 14-20, 2024–Free, All Are Welcome, Click here

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Master said, “Once we were strangers, but when we love God we become brothers and sisters. That divine relationship is the strongest of bonds.”

BRO. BHUMANANDA [speaking from Convocation]: Well, we are a big family tonight, aren’t we? It has grown.
Seeing your faces reminds me of something. Some years ago, Brother Nikhilananda and I were in Seattle, conducting a retreat. And during our stay an Indian couple looked after us very nicely, and so at the end we went out and purchased a small bag of chocolates to express our appreciation to them.
And as we were leaving, the man selling the chocolates looked at us and he asked, “Are you brothers?”
Now, Brother Nikhilananda, you have to understand, is from Austria. He has an Austrian accent. I’m from California; I don’t know what kind of accent I have. And we don’t look alike. But when he asked, “Are you brothers?” I instinctively replied, “Yes, we are.” And he said, “I knew it. I could tell by your eyes.”
And if he was standing here tonight where I am and seeing all of you, I don’t think he’d have to ask. He’d be thinking, “I’ve never seen such a beautiful shining family, and there’s thousands of them.” Because there is that divine link between all of us, isn’t it?…
Through our practice of Kriya Yoga, through our love for God, we are eternally linked to the ever-living Gurus and to the Guru’s spiritual family.

Convocation was started by our Guru himself, and as we open our hearts and minds, we will feel his living presence. And as we go forward into the Convocation week, coming to the group meditations, the kirtans, the classes, the pilgrimage tours, the satsangas, let us do so with that faith that through the power of our Gurus and through our own sincerity and love for God, and through THAT POWERFUL MAGNET OF GROUP EFFORT, we will receive divine blessings that can completely, utterly transform our lives.

from . . .Forging Divine Consciousness in the Fires of Daily Existence

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Bro. Bhumananda

from The Second Coming of Christ
JESUS “Where two or three are gathered in my name”: the power of united concentration

PARAMAHANSAJI: [W]hen a devotee reinforces his will by deep concentration and union with the strong will of other devotees he transforms his will into God’s will, recollecting his identity with God and thus recovering his divine heritage, possessing the illimitable material or spiritual power of his Heavenly Father. The devotee ought not to expect the full realization of the power of his will and prayer until he has strengthened them by divine company and God-contact.
When Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I,” he stressed the power of united concentration: When two or a few devotees come together for inner worship of God, the stronger divine concentration of one person strengthens the weaker concentration of another.

Paramahansa Yogananda. The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You . Self-Realization Fellowship. Kindle Edition.

See also~~

Sw. Smarananandaji on IMPORTANCE OF GROUP MEDITATION, with links

PARAMAHANSAJI’S LAST CONVO LETTER and Taking Convocation With US — Sister Dhira

HOW TO HAVE ENOUGH DEVOTION ~ Bro. Bhumananda, convocation talk excerpt, 2013


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My Master Sri Yukteswarji

Amazing it was to find that a master with such a fiery will could be so calm within. He fitted the Vedic definition of a man of God: “Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned; stronger than the thunder, where principles are at stake.”

There are always those in this world who, in Browning’s words, “endure no light, being themselves obscure.” Occasionally an outsider, fevered over some imaginary grievance, would berate Sri Yukteswar. My imperturbable guru would listen politely, analyzing himself to see if any shred of truth lay within the denunciation. These scenes would bring to my mind one of Master’s inimitable observations: “Some people try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others!”

The unfailing composure of a saint is impressive beyond any sermon. “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” Proverbs 16: 32.

I often reflected that my majestic master could easily have been an emperor or world-shaking warrior had his mind been centered on fame or worldly achievement. He had chosen instead to storm those inner citadels of wrath and egotism whose fall is the height of a man.

Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Self-Realization Fellowship



Dr. Lewis–God PROTECTS YOU through the Master

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DR. LEWIS~~”Think of it. Think of it. No matter what you do, if you have that full surrender to God, He will watch you through the channel He has sent for you until finally you are taken home into His Great Light and Omniscience.

I have proofs…of these things…In the beginning when I met the Master, and I had wonderful enthusiasm, and he showed me those wonderful things, by the Grace of God, it wasn’t long before the devil began to get busy and organized evil; began to try to disrupt that wonderful relationship between us.

And one morning in my office, not long after I met the Master, I think six months. This man came in injecting thoughts, and saying certain things, which unsettled me, naturally, because I was young. And what happened? God was watching through the Master. The Master was going to Boston on a streetcar. Imagine! And he was five or six miles away from my office. He didn’t know the directions then. He got out of the streetcar, and he starting walking, through intuition, and I heard heavy steps coming up the office stairs into my office. He came out into the laboratory where I was working, took me by the shoulders, and turned me around, and looked at me. He said, “Now Doctor, do you love me as much as ever?” Well, I didn’t understand for a moment. I said, “Why?” He says, “What did he say?” And he named everything he said, the accusations he made, everything…Why did he do it? He showed me, told me why, named the very words he used. I said, “I bow to you.” I knew, I knew that God was protecting me and I knew the Master was the real channel. If there’d been any doubt before, it was taken away._

excerpt from Dr. M.W. Lewis talk excerpt from, “Who may become a Disciple?” San Diego, 11-13-55

READ/ DOWNLOAD this talk in PDF

❤ LISTEN to the talk here: M.W.Lewis: Who May Become A Disciple ~ An Audio Satsang. 

See also~~

PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA ~ Talks and Stories by and about the Guru

DR. LEWIS Articles







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See Also~~ The Shelter of God…for Yourself and for Your Loved Ones ~ Bro. Pranavananda

A DEVOTEE — Over the years I have read or heard from Master and monastics that Master not only looks after us, his devotees, but he looks out for our loved ones, too, even when they are not on a spiritual path. I have also read and heard  stories of how he has done this for other devotees’ loved ones.

Brother Anandamoy told a story of a fellow monk who had been married before entering the ashram.  Later when he was older he became very ill. Bro. A. asked Master if the monk was about to pass but Master said not yet. Later Master came to see the monk and told him that his son was now on the path. This had been this monk’s great wish all the years in the ashram to see his son on the spiritual path. Soon afterward the monk left his body.

One devotee told a story about her mother, whom she loved very much, but her mother had many problems in life and had passed away without a spiritual path. The devotee’s spiritual counselor had prayed for her mother and told her that Master was with her when she passed and that she was now very happy. When asked why Master would do this, she was told it was because this devotee loved her mother.

There are many more such stories because our Guru cares for each one of us and our loved ones. This story of mine showed me that my Guru is looking after my loved ones, too.

It happened when my son and his wife were expecting their first child. The due date for the birth was March 11. By that time I had been an SRF devotee for some years and dearly loved Guruji and also loved Sri Yukteswar in a special way. The date being so close to our beloved Gurus’ special dates, I immediately wanted to ask Master to change the date so my grandson would have an especially blessed birthday! But I couldn’t decide between March 7 or March 9, Master’s and Sri Yukteswarji’s mahasamadhis. So I thought about it and decided I would ask Master to let my grandson be ‘cradled’ between the two, on March 8.

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On March 8 I received a telephone call from my son saying that my grandson had been born! I did not doubt that Master had done this, especially after I learned more about this date. When Master gives, he gives more generously than we ask or expect! March 8 of that year also happened to be the date of Shivaratri. Especially during my early years on Master’s path I had a special love for Lord Shiva (we are told that a lot of us devotees in the west now have had past lives in India) and I always looked forward to Shivaratri, so I felt this was another very great special blessing.

In addition to these great blessings, I also learned that March 8 is both the birth date and date of the passing (feast day) of a great Catholic saint named St. John of God. He lived in the same city and at the same time as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross (whom I had always loved), and he shared the same spiritual director as these two great saints. These two saints are held in high esteem and talked about by our Guru and monastics, especially St. Teresa. St. John of God I had not heard of until then, but read that he also had an illustrious mission. Only much later, though, did I learn an especially wonderful fact about this great saint. A fellow devotee lived in the same area as these saints had and before coming to Master’s path he had entered the monastery of St. John of God. He said he had the greatest admiration for the work they do to this day. He also said that they practiced a technique like kriya, which they had learned in India!

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LORD SHIVA “King of Yogis” and SHIVARATRI ~ Yogananda and Sw. Sivananda

The Shivaratri date changes every year. This year, for the first time since my grandson’s birth, Shivaratri falls on March 8 again. And again I feel and remember especially how God and Guru are so generously good. Neither my son or grandson are on a spiritual path yet. This would concern me very much if Master had not shown me that he is taking care of them,  too. He blesses us beyond our expectations and I feel he is holding my loved ones in the palm of his hand. He is so good. He is a Premavatar.  He is love itself.

See Also~~

A HEALING FOR VETERAN’S DAY – a devotee story

LORD SHIVA “King of Yogis” and SHIVARATRI ~ Yogananda and Sw. Sivananda

Bro. Bimalananda, CHANNEL OF DIVINE MOTHER’S LOVE AND HELP ~ a devotee story 

LAY DEVOTEES STORIES of Gurus and Monastics

W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ: Description of SWAMI SRI YUKTESWAR, Preface – Yogananda, AY

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Autobiography of a Yogi – Preface

By W. Y. Evans-Wentz [pictured on right] M.A., D.Litt., D.Sc. Jesus College, Oxford Author and translator of many classic works on yoga and the wisdom traditions of the East, including Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, Tibet’s Great Yogi Milarepa, and The Tibetan Book of the Dead. [photos added]

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DR. EVANS-WENTZ: [excerpt from Preface] It has been my privilege to meet one of the sages whose life history is herein narrated — Sri Yukteswar Giri. A likeness of the venerable saint appeared as part of the frontispiece of my Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines.[1] Oxford University Press, 1958. It was at Puri, in Orissa, on the Bay of Bengal, that I encountered Sri Yukteswar. He was then the head of a quiet ashrama near the seashore there, and was chiefly occupied in the spiritual training of a group of youthful disciples. He expressed keen interest in the welfare of the people of the United States and of all the Americas, and of England, too, and questioned me concerning the distant activities, particularly those in California, of his chief disciple, Paramahansa Yogananda, whom he dearly loved, and whom he had sent, in 1920, as his emissary to the West.

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Paramahansa Yogananda and Dr. W.Y. Evans-Wentz, renowned Orientalist,  who wrote the forward in Autobiography of a Yogi.  Photo taken in 1949 at Self-Realization Fellowship Church, San Diego

SRI YUKTESWAR was of gentle mien and voice, of pleasing presence, and worthy of the veneration that his followers spontaneously accorded to him. Every person who knew him, whether of his own community or not, held him in the highest esteem. I vividly recall his tall, straight, ascetic figure, robed in the saffron-colored garb of one who has renounced worldly quests, as he stood at the entrance of the hermitage to give me welcome. His hair was long and somewhat curly, and his face bearded. His body was muscularly firm, but slender and well-formed, and his step energetic. He had chosen as his place of earthly abode the holy city of Puri, whither multitudes of pious Hindus, representative of every province of India, come daily on pilgrimage to the famed Temple of Jagannath, “Lord of the World.” It was at Puri that Sri Yukteswar closed his mortal eyes, in 1936, to the scenes of this transitory state of being and passed on, knowing that his incarnation had been carried to a triumphant completion.

See Also~~ A Great Spiritual Experience with Daya Mata [at Jagannath Temple]~ Swami Shyamananda

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Swami Sri Yukteswar’s Puri Ashram

I am glad, indeed, to be able to record this testimony to the high character and holiness of Sri Yukteswar. Content to remain afar from the multitude, he gave himself unreservedly and in tranquility to that ideal life which Paramahansa Yogananda, his disciple, has now described for the ages.

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Dr. Evans-Wentz far left with Paramahansa Yogananda and others in Southern California


Yogananda, Paramahansa. Autobiography of a Yogi (Self-Realization Fellowship) (p. 17). Self-Realization Fellowship. Kindle Edition.

See Also~~ 

Dr. Walter Y. Evans-Wentz, Paramahansa Yogananda and SRF/YSS – Self-Realization mag. 1965

A Great Spiritual Experience with Daya Mata [Jagannath Temple]~ Swami Shyamananda


A Wonderful Experience With DOCTOR LEWIS ~ an SRF devotee

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Dr. Lewis with Paramahansaji on Dr. Lewis’s Birthday

[Yogananda Site]  Doctor Lewis’s birthday is March 26, 1893,  about two months after Master.  They met in Boston in 1920 when Master first came to America, both at the age of 27,  and Master lived with the Lewises for about three years.  Doctor stayed and served the work in Boston, including donating funds from his householder work as a dentist, for 25 years after the Guru left to travel the country and ultimately  found his international headquarters at Mt. Washington Mother Center and his other ashrams.  In 1945 Paramahansaji called Doctor to California to serve the work there including giving talks and serving on the board of directors on through the 1950s until his passing on April 13, 196o.


 A DEVOTEE~Here is a story of my wonderful personal experience with Doctor, as Master called him.

I think it was shortly before I found Master in this life that I had a very significant spiritual dream. I later learned these are called ‘numinous’ dreams that come from a higher level of consciousness and have a different feel to them than ordinary dreams. Somewhere in the teachings (or maybe it was a monastic who told me in counseling) it is said these dreams may be understood at the time, or if not we can take them as encouragements on the spiritual path.

My dream seemed very important to me, though I understood only a little about it early on. Then in SRF once I mentioned this dream to an SRF counselor and, while she didn’t interpret the dream for me (I don’t think they are supposed to), she pointed out that the dream symbols in my dream were from SRF!

Over time I did come to understand the dream much better as I studied the teachings, most especially when I found where Master talks about dream symbols and their meanings in the Lessons, and in the new Lessons there is more information added about dreams to that lesson, too*. He gives such wonderful and inspiring information and this has been my main source of understanding as all the symbols in my dream are included there –except for one!

[*See   Supplementary Lesson 35, ‘The Phenomena of Dreams and Visions’, section ‘Dream-Hints From the Superconscious Mind’]

I became keenly interested in knowing what that symbol means, and over quite a long time my desire to know grew stronger. Guruji generally answers my pressing questions in his writing eventually. But this time after a long time I came across a Dr. Lewis talk that is all about this specific symbol; it is even in the title of the talk in which he explains the meaning in pages of great detail! I was thrilled to find this at last.

I have still never heard or read anywhere else in the teachings where the symbol is mentioned by that name, although it is very important and is mentioned by other names constantly in the teachings. Doctor explains all these names as meaning the same thing in his talk. It comes from the book of Revelation in the Bible. I was thrilled to finally learn what the symbol meant, and so grateful to Doctor. (Later I saw in videos that Bro. Achalananda sometimes wears a ring with that symbol, and Sister Gyanamata briefly mentioned in her book that Master gave her a gift of that symbol that he brought back from the Holy Land). The symbol is called the ‘white stone.’

But this is not the end. I was still not quite sure about a detail relevant to the symbol’s appearance, and the desire to know that detail seemed to always be at the back of my mind for quite a long time, and I would think of Dr. Lewis when this happened. I wanted to really SEE the symbol in form.  But after Dr. had gifted me with this answer in the form of his  beautiful long talk on this specific subject I thought it might be a little much to want to actually see it, too!  Unconsciously I would try not to think about it or Doctor, try to just be thankful for what I had gotten.  But that didn’t work awfully well as I could never get it out of my mind for long.

While this was going on, it happened that an SRF friend in another state sent me a package in the mail. I had walked down my long sidewalk after dark and found the package in the mail box, and when I picked it up I instantly SAW the symbol I had been yearning to see as an image in my mind’s eye, clear and light as day! As I carried the package inside, the bright shape remained there until I walked into the kitchen and laid the package on the counter. Then it instantly disappeared. When I opened the package I saw that my friend had gifted me with a chant CD that was made by the Boston Group where Doctor had spent twenty-five years.  My friend had ordered it from a different state and had it sent to me directly from the Boston Group.   After this happened I immediately  thought, “This is Dr. Lewis’ doing!” And I sensed another thought in my mind something like  “Well, if you are going to keep pestering me I will just go ahead and show you!” I pictured in my mind  Dr. Lewis  smiling, even his mustache seemed to be smiling,  and his eyes twinkling and I laughed out loud.  This was such a joyful experience. I am so glad God and his great ones have a sense of humor.

Master tells us to be naughty children who demand the attention of Divine Mother. And I saw it worked for our beloved Self-realized saint Dr. Lewis, too!  Thank you, Dr. Lewis. And bless you over and over for coming with our beloved Guru to help him with this great work and help to show us how to follow him, for being part of Master’s great family, and for your love and help.

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 ‘The White Stone of Revelation’ – PDF download

Dr M.W. Lewis: The White Stone of Revelation ~ An Audio Satsang

See Also~~

THE WHITE STONE OF REVELATION – The Manifested Power of the Unmanifested Spirit – Paramahansaji and Dr. Lewis

See More~~

Visit the DEVOTEE2DEVOTEE website (click this link) for more on Dr. M.W. Lewis

DR M.W. LEWIS: TALK NOTES LIST pdf downloads



LAY DEVOTEE STORIES of Gurus and Monasatics


My Extraordinary Experiences With Sri Durga Mata ~ an SRF devotee

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My Extraordinary Experiences With Sri Durga Mata

DOWNLOAD PDF: My Extraordinary Experiences With Sri Durga Mata

By Karen Dardick



In my youth, I was a Roman Catholic. Although my parents were, too, they weren’t particularly religious and we went to church, as a family, just on Christmas and Easter. But I went every Sunday because even as a child, I loved God and also the Blessed Virgin Mary. When I was 12-years-old, I read a book about the Little Flower, St. Therese of Lisieux. As I read, I felt an overwhelming, powerful hunger in my heart to know such a person.
“Oh God, please let me meet a saint, “I said aloud.

Then years passed and when I was in college, my intellect took hold and I became an agnostic. But I was troubled by solving the problems inherent in life. What is the meaning of life? What are we supposed to do with our lives? I majored in philosophy and minored in religion while I studied at Vassar College. However, I always wanted some type of career and realized that the studies I enjoyed would not prepare me for any career other than teaching—not something I wanted to do.

I transferred to the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Still an agnostic, I applied myself to my studies. Like everyone else, I enjoyed dating. And one of the young men I dated was a devout Catholic, with conservative leanings. We had many intense discussions about religion because he was not happy with my agnostic views. One night, while we were sipping beer at a local bar, he became quiet. I asked what he was doing and replied that he was praying for me.
“Stop that,” I said vehemently. “I don’t want your prayers.”
But that was the start of a remarkable transformation for me. A few days later, I was in my room in my sorority house, and suddenly, an intensely strong feeling of great love, peace and joy flooded my being. I knew, without a doubt, that God IS, that God is Love and I was happier than I had ever experienced.
When I told the young man what had happened, he was overjoyed. I returned to the Catholic Church, attended daily Mass and joined the Legion of Mary. We dated for a year or so, then he returned to his home country (he was a foreign student) and I moved to California.
My parents had moved to Los Angeles while I was still in college, and when I visited them one Christmas, I experienced sunshine and warm temperatures instead of the freezing cold in Chicago. So I moved to Los Angeles, found a job as an assistant editor at Modern Maturity Magazine, and continued with my Catholic faith. But the intense love and peace that I had experienced that transforming day in my sorority room had gradually ebbed away. I was desperately seeking how to regain it, and the Catholic faith did not do it for me.

That changed when I had another remarkable event and met the woman who introduced me to Self-Realization Fellowship. I had always loved horses and riding. Living in New York City, I was unable to own a horse. When I went to college, my father offered me the choice of a car or a horse and I chose the car. Once I had a job and my own income, I remembered how much I loved riding and started taking lessons at a riding academy that offered the riding style I enjoyed, Saddleseat, riding American Saddlebred horses. These elegant horses were not as popular on the West Coast as on the East so the stable was an hour’s drive away. I loved it so much that, over time I spent so much time there, bought a horse, and wanted to make it my life.

Meanwhile, the owner talked about philosophy and became a very strong influence in my life, so much so that I quit my job, moved into a simple room in the stable, and devoted myself to horses. Cleaning stalls, teaching riding, cleaning tack, I loved it all.
TL talked a great deal about SRF and encouraged me to go to one of the services. I went to the church in Hollywood, and when I walked in, it seemed strange as it was so different from the Catholic churches with which I was familiar. Instead of a tabernacle, or statues of saints, the altar, decorated with a lovely flower arrangement, consisted of photographs, the only one recognizable to me was Jesus Christ. What made a strong impact on me was the minister conducting the service, which consisted of a bit of meditation, some singing of songs (later I learned they are termed chants) and a lengthy lecture. He smiled so broadly and radiated such happiness that I thought, he has what I want, so there must be something to this teaching. The atmosphere in the small church was one of great peace and silence. People weren’t talking. I saw that they were meditating and then when the minister spoke, they seemed to be deeply concentrating. I enrolled in the SRF lessons and tried to meditate.

And here is where I hit a big dilemma. When I sat upright in my chair in the recommended meditation posture, closed my eyes and tried to do the basic technique, I felt that I was falling into some kind of a tunnel. I didn’t like the sensation at all! Whenever I tried to meditate, the same thing happened, so I went to one of the ministers at the Hollywood Temple for advice. He wasn’t able to explain what was happening to me, but urged me to continue to meditate for my own good. I walked away very dissatisfied and stopped meditating and stopped taking the lessons.

Meanwhile, my life on the ranch had turned from happy to extremely upsetting. TL was a very unhappy, controlling woman but I had come to rely on her and I trusted that she had my best interests at heart. I was very wrong! By 1977, I felt that I was trapped in a situation I couldn’t fix. When I first moved into the ranch in 1970, I looked at a picture she had of Paramahansa Yogananda on her desk. As I gazed at it, I thought, “I don’t know him, he is not my Guru. TL is my guru.” But she was not the spiritual leader she set herself up to be.

One day, September, 1977, I did an errand for her that took me to a nearby health food store. I saw a book, How to Meditate, written by Sebastian Temple. I had heard of him because he was a pioneer in writing and singing Catholic folk music used in masses. I had wanted to try meditating again, and I saw that he had inscribed his book to his Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda and to his spiritual counselor, Sri Durga Mata. I got the book, read it and felt it was an answer to my prayers. I went back to the store to tell him how much his book helped me. He was gracious, very pleased and said, “I’ll call my spiritual counselor; perhaps she will counsel you.” He telephoned her immediately and she agreed that she would meet me. He told me that I had ”great good karma”, gave me his card with her phone number, and said I was to call and make an appointment. I took the card, but thought it won’t do any good to call. TL will never let me go see her as I had so many responsibilities at the ranch.

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That night, I had a dream that changed my life. It is as vivid to me now as it was all those years ago, because it was a true superconscious vision. In my dream, I was in front of a tall door but there wasn’t a structure. I, along with the door, were in a shimmering blue sky. The door opened, and I looked up into the face of a woman of great beauty. Her skin was like alabaster; her flowing robes were blue, and I could see the spiritual eye in her forehead pulsating with energy. She smiled at me without saying a word. I said, “I couldn’t wait to call you; I had to see you now. “Without saying anything, she smiled even more and from her came wave after wave of divine love. The love permeated my being, similar to the experience I had had in college when I had the experience of God. I woke up, still feeling that great love, and resolved to meet this Durga Ma, for I had been longing for that kind of love all my life.
I did call, made an appointment, and returned to the store to tell Sebastian this extraordinary event. He urged me to write it down and he said he was going to see Durga Ma for his counseling and would show it to her.

I didn’t tell the others at the ranch, for I knew they would not like or understand what was happening. I went to the SRF headquarters at Mt. Washington, and was met by a kindly nun named Sister Brinda. She escorted me up the stairs to Durga Ma’s apartment on the fourth floor. When she opened the door, I was surprised that Durga Ma didn’t resemble the woman in my dream. Instead of being so tall that I had to look up at her, she was short, approximately 5-feet. I could feel her sweetness but I was bewildered. She led me into the room that served as both bedroom and living room. In one corner was a daybed, made to look like a sofa. Two upholstered chairs were in one corner, a desk occupied the center, and several other chairs were on the other side,
We sat in the chairs while she asked what she could do for me. I started to tell her that I was having trouble meditating. When she asked if I had the Kriya Yoga technique, I said no, I had not and we discussed why I had stopped the lessons and meditating. Then she looked very sternly at me and asked about the woman, TL, I had mentioned.
She spoke severely and said, “You are following a false guru”.
I was shocked as I had not told anyone about that decision I had made in 1970. We talked about my life at the ranch, the inherent problems I faced there, and she said it was time for me to leave. I protested that I had many responsibilities, animals in my care, and the like. She didn’t argue. She merely said, “Tell them you want Kriya yoga.”
We talked more, and I expressed to her that she didn’t look like the woman in my dream. She smiled and said, “You saw my soul”. We talked for an hour or more and then I left to return to the ranch. She said she would see me in a week and to make another appointment.

When I returned to the ranch and told TL what I had experienced, as I had expected she became furious. “I didn’t tell you that you could meet this woman”, she raged. As she continued to fume, I saw pure evil in her eyes. I realized that I had to move out, leaving behind horses and other animals that I loved because my spiritual life meant more.

I had been working as a secretary for several years so when I went to work the following day, I phoned Sebastian to tell him what had happened and he phoned Durga Ma who said that I was to come up to meet with her. I did so (on my lunch break) and she said it was time for me to leave. And so I did that day, only to return to gather a few belongings. My life took a very dramatic turn for the better.

In subsequent months, I had another dream of the woman who had poured out such love. By then, studying the SRF teachings, I realized that my dream was of Divine Mother. For in the second dream, I saw her again and this time, I was a sphere of golden light. We were in the same blue sky location, looking at planet Earth. I said, “Divine Mother, why am I on Earth?”
She replied, “To work on your intensity.”
By this time, I understood that my initial dream was of Divine Mother, too, and I was very blessed to meet her in the form of Durga Mata.

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When I left the ranch, Sebastian arranged for me to stay with a woman friend of his who also went to Durga Ma for counseling. Janice was so very kind and I spent several weeks with her while I sorted out my life. I continued with the job I had, found an apartment near the Hollywood Temple, and continued to see Durga Ma for intense counseling. Soon after I met Janice, she explained that Durga Ma was spiritual mother to several of the people she counseled. She suggested that I ask her to be my spiritual mother. I thought what a good idea! If this remarkable, loving, wise woman would be MY spiritual mother, I would be so very happy. So when I went to see her, I did what was suggested and asked “Will you be my spiritual mother for now and all eternity?” She leaned forward in her chair, and intently looked at me with her incredible eyes. I felt that she was seeing all that I had been and would become with the help of her and Master.
When she replied, “yes”, a thrill penetrated to the core of my being.


Because of my unusual introduction to Durga Ma, I trusted her implicitly and knew that she had a direct link with God and Guru. It took me awhile to come to this understanding. In the early days of counseling with her, she would say something important, and then say, “now listen, this is Master speaking.” Soon after meeting her, I told her of the experience of God that I had while in college. I was searching for that again and came to understand that Self-Realization Fellowship would lead me to what I was seeking. I asked her if I could become a nun in the SRF order, but she said, “No, Master needs workers in the world.”
Her guidance was to live the life of a renunciate, while dedicating one’s life to God and Guru. She emphasized that instead of working for money, work to please God, to be “in the world, but not of it”.

Every time I went up the stairs at SRF, I felt as though I was going to Heaven. Being in her presence, I was filled with love and joy. I recalled when I was young and had prayed to meet a saint that God answered my prayer by bringing me to Durga Ma. Not that she ever agreed with me when I called her a saint. She said only God knows who are his saints and that they hide behind their naturalness. But over the years, I had additional superconscious dreams that verified my thoughts of her sanctity.

One such dream was when I was in the blue sky area and saw Divine Mother holding the baby Jesus. She smiled at me as I said, “Oh what a beautiful baby! May I hold him? She nodded and as I reached out my arms to him, I said, “Oh but he is not my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda is!” She laughed with a sweet tinkling laughter and said, “They are one and the same.” I awoke to a feeling of great love and joy. Durga Ma telephoned me that day and I started to tell her about my dream. Before I could tell her what Divine Mother said, Ma Durga laughed the exact same laugh as Divine Mother and Ma Durga said, “They are one and the same”.
It was extraordinary but by that time, nothing Ma Durga did or said could surprise me because I KNEW that she was one with God.

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From the very beginning of my association with Durga Ma, she directed my efforts to become closer and closer to Paramahansa Yogananda. She often said, don’t put him on a pedestal because that puts him out of reach. Make him part of my everyday life—talk to him, visualize holding his hand (he had small, pudgy hands she added). Set a place at the table for him and visualize him there. Whatever technique works, do it. With her help, he became more and more real to me, so much so that I had some superconscious dreams of him and experienced such divine love that I couldn’t absorb it all. When I expressed that to Durga Ma, she explained that we have to expand our consciousness and this we do through meditation and chanting. She was so much in tune with Master that she would often say, “Pay attention now, this is Master talking.” Perhaps that was why I felt such strong divine love emanating from her.
One day we talked about bringing Master into our lives in every way. She smiled sweetly and said “He is never apart from me”. It was in this context that she was explaining that by killing our egos, we become empty shells for Master. And she had done so.

Another time we were discussing that our essential soul nature is reason and feeling—reason to know that we are feeling. The soul incarnates as male, to develop pure reason, and female, to develop pure feeling. But the negative aspect of that is cold intellectualism in males and emotionalism in females. So the soul comes back again and again until the balance of pure reason and pure feeling is achieved. She explained that the gender in which one attains God, or Self- realization, remains the same for future incarnations. She said “I was a woman before and I will be a woman for incarnations to come.” By this, I knew she meant that she had attained Self -realization before this current incarnation. And since she will come again and again when Master incarnates, she will be a woman in those incarnations. She will return voluntarily, unlike those of us whose desires for material and sense things will cause us to incarnate until those desires end.

When I said that I didn’t want to come back to this earth because it is such a painful place, she remarked, “As long as you have God, what difference does it make where you are?”

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I had loved my mother deeply and as a child, often told her she was my best friend. But unfortunately, she was deeply unhappy and was an alcoholic. I only realized that when I went to college and discovered that my parents weren’t like those of my college friends, My businessman father also drank heavily, but they both considered that three-martini lunches and daily drinks before evening dinner was what was appropriate for sophisticated people. I had followed their example and knew it was destroying me. For years, I stopped associating with them while I tried to straighten out my own life. Durga Ma was instrumental in helping me achieve a better, though still distant, relationship with them. By this time, they had moved back to New York City for my father’s business, and I visited them occasionally. Mother was even deeper into alcoholism at that point. During her life, she had developed several types of cancer and finally was dying from bone cancer. When my father phoned me, March, 1988 to say that she was dying, I really didn’t want to go see her before she died. Too many painful memories haunted me and I thought I would wait to go to her funeral as she had few friends at that point.
When I asked Durga Ma what I should do, she wouldn’t give me an answer and encouraged me to pray and ask Master’s help.

I did. I prayed fervently in the chapel at SRF Mother Center just before going to see Durga Ma for a counseling session. To my shock, I heard Master’s voice in my head saying “I am giving you a wonderful spiritual opportunity. Take advantage of it.”

I asked Durga Ma if this was real, and she said yes, I had asked Master for help and he gave it.
I was on a plane the next day. Mother had been in hospice care for months, but still was living in their mid-town Manhattan apartment. She had always been afraid of dying, so my father did not tell her that she was very terminal. He had left the apartment and I sat on the bed near my mother and held her hand. She asked me if she was dying. I said, “Yes, Mother, you are. Are you afraid?”
She said that she was not, and ready to go, and asked for a garnet cross that she owned. I placed it around her neck and as we sat, holding hands, the most beautiful divine love poured back and forth between us. It was a holy experience, as promised by Master. She said, “This is just like the old times” and was very happy.

The next morning, she was so sick that she had to go to the hospice facility where nurses took care of her. Shortly after that, she went into a coma. Meanwhile, Durga Ma had asked me to call and keep her informed of my mother’s condition. I explained that she had gone into a coma, doctors didn’t know how long the situation would continue. Durga Ma said, “I will pray for your mother.” Within minutes, with family around her holding her hand and giving her love, she gradually stopped breathing and peacefully died.

When I returned to Los Angeles and went to see Durga Ma, I expressed my gratitude for her help. She told me that my mother really didn’t want to die and that’s why she entered a coma. She also said that Master was with her when she died and ushered her into the astral. I was shocked because my mother was a lapsed Catholic and an alcoholic, so why would Master do that. She replied, “He did it for you because you loved your mother.”

Mixed emotions swirled through me—intense gratitude towards my great Guru, and to my holy Spiritual Mother for her intercession, and regret that I did not feel Master’s presence. I decided to dedicate my life even more to Master and God. I share this story because it shows how God and Guru are always with us, even if we don’t know this, and how they love and guide, not only us, but those whom we love.
And once again, this remarkable episode showed me that Durga Ma and Master were in divine communion.
That Mother’s Day, I had the opportunity be with Durga Ma (I had taken her a gift) and we talked about my mother and her unhappy life. Durga Ma said, “She is happy now.” I replied, “I hope so” and she answered in a very emphatic tone, “I KNOW SO.”.
Once again, I didn’t doubt her and knew she spoke truth. It was very consoling to me.

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Chanting for Deep Meditation ~ Sri Durga Mata


In the latter years of her life, she was more in seclusion and I was blessed to be able to visit her during the years when she stopped counseling most people and retired from organizational work.
Often our visits were more social than serious. By this time, she had given us so much counseling that we were expected to develop our intuition and attunement with Master. I cherished those visits that became weekly in her last year on this earth. Before she passed, I had asked her to come to me when she passed out of her body so I could experience her before she departed to the high reaches of Heaven where I expected her to go. (In the Autobiography of a Yogi, Sri Yukteswar describes the high astral planets, including Hiranyaloka where he is the savior there. He said that only those who attained nirbikalpa Samadhi while on Earth could go there, and Master and his great disciples would be there. I feel that Durga Ma is included in that exalted group.)
Sister Brinda phoned me to say “Ma Durga has passed”. I looked around, sure that I would see her transfigured form. But I did not. I stood before my favorite photograph of her, the one where her eyes intensely gazed, and poured out my heart in sobbing phrases. “You left me! You didn’t come! You said you would come!” And then I felt her response—a wonderful divine love flooded my heart, just like that time in college when I knew God is real. That feeling remained with me for weeks. She came to me in the way that she knew would be best for me and had often told me that “feeling is greater than seeing.”
But I still dreaded attending her Ascension Service, led by the SRF President, Sri Daya Mata. It was held in the chapel at Mother Center, attended by the monks and nuns of the SRF order and lay people who knew Durga Ma. I was glad that I was included, but thought that it would be a very sad occasion for me. But again, things were different than I had expected.

When I entered the chapel, I felt as though I had entered a chamber of stillness—intense stillness that I had never experienced before or since. It was profound. I thought of the biblical quote “Be still and know that I am God.” This is the stillness for which we strive in meditation—the stillness that envelopes us in God.
Durga Ma had given instructions as to the format she wanted at her service, including playing the recording of her chanting “Divine Love Sorrows” which Master had her do at every Christmas meditation. I listened to her voice, I listened to Sri Daya Mata as she talked about Durga Ma and, along with the others, went forward to pronam before her flower-bedecked photo. The sense of stillness never left me. It was so beautiful that I remain in the chapel long after others had left as I didn’t want to lose that essence of stillness. It lasted for several weeks.

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I wish I could report that I hear her voice or see her in dreams frequently, but this is not so. I have heard her voice a few times. One was a month or so after her passing when I felt lonely and sad that I could no longer see her or hear her beloved voice, but I did have a vivid dream in which she asked me in a stern tone, “Are you keeping happy?!” In honesty, I had to reply no but that wasn’t the correct response. She always ended counseling sessions with the admonition—‘Be Happy! When you are happy, God is with you. When you are happy all the time, God is with you all the time.”

And so life continues as I strive to follow her wise and loving counsel, knowing that God and Guru are bringing me what I need to learn and the opportunities for my spiritual growth.
She often told us that life is about winning our spiritual battles. “God puts us on a battleground and when we win that battle, He puts us on another.”
But she also told us that God created us to be playmates and that we should be playful and joyful in life. It’s really very simple and we complicate life by overthinking. “Forget the past, think not of the future, and thank God for the present”, she said often, echoing Sri Yukteswar’s wisdom.

This recounting of some of the miracles I experienced with her is meant to encourage SRF devotees to follow this sacred path. I used to say to Durga Ma that I admired her so much and wanted to be like her, a beautiful balance of wisdom and divine love. She replied, “You all have the privilege to work as I did.”

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