How Christ May Come To You In Person ~ Yogananda and Jesus

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JESUS said, “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”* Any devotee who, by the practice of yoga meditation, knows how to focus his inward gaze at the point between the eyebrows, finds that the light traveling through the optic nerves into the two physical eyes becomes concentrated instead into the single visible spiritual eye.  The two physical eyes perceive only limited portions at a time of the world of relativity; the vision of the spiritual eye is spherical and can see into omnipresence.  The Second Coming of Christ

* Matthew 6:22 (see Discourse 28)


CHRIST IS RIGHT HERE, he can be seen if you look within your forehead at the point between the eyebrows: the center of Christ consciousness [Kutastha Chaitanya] the seat of the single or spiritual eye.  If you want to see Christ, concentrate at this point of spiritual vision; look through the spiritual eye. …

After death, Jesus resurrected his body and allowed hundreds of people to see him.  To the doubting Thomas he said, “It is I; touch me.”  Why did he materialize his body?  That others might behold him after resurrection and know that all who are in tune can behold him and know that he is.  St. Francis said, “I meet Christ every night in flesh and blood.”  You too can behold him, if you can put yourself in tune, just as I have seen him many times.

There is a way to invite Christ…He will be drawn only to the altar of your love.  If there is sufficient love and devotion in your heart, then, and only then, will he come to you.  He may actually materialize in person.

Paramahansa Yogananda, The Divine Romance



See also~~ THE SPIRITUAL EYE – Articles and Stories


QUOTE INDEX ~ Paramahansa Yogananda – The Second Coming of Christ

Yogananda and Jesus ~ The Second Coming of Christ