TERESA OF AVILA – Consumed in the Flame of Divine Love ~ Yogananda and Jesus

PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA — When the heart is afire with the longing born of the sorrows of incarnations of separation, the Lord will reveal Himself.  And the bliss that engulfs the soul at that meeting, no human tongue can tell.  The heart breaks a thousand times—a million times.   Saint Teresa was sorely afflicted—ravaged twenty-five years with all kinds of disease, writing in the nighttime shivering in a cold room—but such was her love in communion with Christ that she did not care.  One day an angel pierced her heart with a breath of fire—not for cruelty, but to show her that pain could not hurt her anymore; she was above all pain.  In that experience her heart became tremendous with the ecstasy and joy of God.  She said: “It seemed I couldn’t endure it and then suddenly I was filled completely with the great love of God.”  That is the eternal romance: the little spark of life consumed in a flame of divine love.  Many times over the years Teresa beheld her Lord—in form and as formless. The body of Christ became the ocean of Infinite Consciousness, which Teresa felt—the realization of the Christ Consciousness in Jesus, that which declared, “I and my Father are one.”*

*Footnote: Teresa’s experience with the angel is recounted in ‘The Saints that Moved the World’ by Rene Fulop-Miller.

Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ



QUOTE INDEX ~ Paramahansa Yogananda – The Second Coming of Christ