Guidance from Gyanamata, “Mother of Wisdom” ~ Paramahansaji and Gyanamata

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“The words that hang above my head, ‘God Alone,’ are there because I took a vow not to forget my Goal, even for a moment, and never to let anything come between you and me.  I never have.  You have been the polestar of my life.” 

Sister Gyanamata to Paramahansa Yogananda

See also~  Yogananda’s Tribute to SISTER GYANAMATA ~ SRF Magazine, 1952

PARAMAHANSAJI wrote to Gyanamata (in the early 1930’s): “Please let everybody know that in my absence you are the spiritual head of the institution, and everybody should obey your wishes, for I know they are impartial and God-directed.  Since you represent me and my wishes as truly as ever anybody has done, I have implicit confidence in your actions and judgement. You have satisfied all the critical scrutiny of my divine standard…I cannot tell you what a relief it has been since you have been there.  I needed somebody at Mt. Washington to interpret me rightly to those who cannot contact me.  Heaven will bless you for this. Your salvation is an accomplished fact.”


I am strong only in one thing—devotion to my Master.  In all else I am weak. `But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence’ (I Cor. 1:27-29). My glory is in God himself, and in that Master who has taken my weakness and turned it into a channel through which his grace may flow to others.

Daya and Durga, Sister
Sister with Daya Mata and Durga Mata

Since she preferred to remain silent, Gyanamata’s favorite means of communication with other devotees was often the letter…She once explained…”The spoken word vanishes and is forgotten.  Because of this I have decided to write you all notes that may be preserved, if you feel that these notes are of value or inspiration.”

These letters are usually short and to the point, such as this one, sent to Daya Mata:

1. See nothing, look at nothing but your goal, ever shining before you.

2. The things that happen to us do not matter; what we become through them does.

3. Each day, accept everything as coming to you from God

4. At night, give everything back into His hands.


One answer will cover all your questions:  Turn to God and fill your consciousness with the realization of His perfection.  Let your weakness be dissolved in the worshipful thought of His strength.  It is not necessary to explain things to God, for He knoweth your need before you speak, and is more ready to give than you are to ask.  When you meditate, turn away from everything except the one absorbing thought of His overshadowing Presence.  In this way you will become receptive, and healing will flow through body, mind and soul. 

Have one idea: GOD.

When the call to disagreeable duty is sounded, I will answer, “Here am I, Lord; send me.”

There is no such hour on the timepiece of fate as “too late.”

When anything painful enters the shell of your ego, consider the origin of the pearl.  By the right attitude of patience and humility, exude a transforming secretion, and behold a miracle – a beautiful spiritual pearl!

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Many speak of sickness and suffering as a stigma on their characters.  They have not yet “demonstrated over them,” they reluctantly admit.  What is the way to rise above them into the clear, spiritual air, where they cannot touch us?  It is by accepting them, and humbly admitting that they are the agents of redemption.  The Divine Potter has us upon His wheel.  Without them we would develop into a sort of spiritual cream-puff — good, perhaps, but not good for very much.  Difficulties develop steel in the muscles of soul.

Make me an instrument of Thy peace, that war may cease.  If not world war, at least the war of hot words and arguments, unworthy efforts to prove oneself to be always in the right.  May quarrels and unkindnesses be stilled in my presence.

I often think how strange it is that I should have had to come into a Hindu organization in order to understand the meaning and value of Christian teachings.  Probably the outstanding Christian teaching concerns the value and necessity of suffering: that without being thrown into a fiery furnace of suffering, we do not attain to union with God.  On the contrary, the Hindu teaches that man makes his escape, discovers his own divinity, through the bliss of meditation.  Since I have lived and served at Mt. Washington and the Hermitage, these two seemingly contradictory teachings have revealed themselves to me as parts of a whole.  Fitted together they form a complete picture of the path man must tread on his upward march.


Paramahansaji to Sister — My faith in you is ever unshaken.  I deeply feel the impact of your test.  But no matter how severe your suffering is, you can endure, as have others who had even more severe tests with their bodies — day and night in horrible pain.  So be thankful to Him who is the Maker of our lives.  Do not wish to throw away before your time comes what he has given you.  Remember what Draupadi prayed to Krishna, “Lord, I care not what pain or test of punishment you give me, but do not test me with forgetfulness of Thy love.”  And this is what I pray for you — that you ever remember and love God, and forget the body.  Draw closer to the Divine Mother, even if She beats you with pain.

See also ~ SISTER KARUNA ~ “YOU are BLESSED!!”

Glory to him who permits me to call him my Guru, without whom I could not possibly succeed in this work, with whom I cannot possibly fail.

from Sri Gyanamata’s, God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint




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